Clarence Township, Calhoun County Michigan

Clarence Township News - Minutes of Township Meetings and Other News

Clarence Township Regular Adgenda (March) - March 10, 2025

Clarence Township Regular Adgenda (February) - February 10, 2025

Clarence Township Regular Meeting (January) - January 13, 2025

Clarence Township Regular Meeting (Mar) - March 11, 2024

Clarence Township Regular Meeting (Jul) - July 10, 2023

Clarence Township Regular Meeting (Feb) - February 13, 2023

Clarence Township Board of Review (Dec) - December 12, 2022

Clarence Township Regular Meeting (Nov) - November 14, 2022


Regular Meeting

OCTOBER 10, 2022

CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 7:00 P.M. by Supervisor Linda Kubiak
ROLL CALL: Present Linda Kubiak, Terry Siefert, Ben Dancer, Sheryl Proteau, and Sue Ott

MINUTES: The Minutes of September 12, 2022 were presented, motion S. Ott and supported by B. Dancer to accept minutes as printed. Motion approved

The Minutes for Special meeting September 12, 2022 for Duck Lake Assessment motion by T. Siefert and supported by B. Dancer to accept minutes as printed. Motion approved

TREASURER REPORT: The Treasurer’s report was received with $1,021,900.95 in Township Total Funds. Motion B. Dancer by and supported by T. Siefert to accept the Treasurer’s report subject to audit. Roll call taken; Proteau yes, Siefert yes, Dancer yes, Kubiak yes, and Ott yes 5 ayes 0 nays approved.

CITIZENS COMMENTS: 16 Township residents attended.

Mr. Hoelzle, Mr. Ribby and Mrs. Beller all had complaints and concerns about short term rentals. Mrs. Beller read off a list of complaints and concerns.

  • A. Farmland and open space preservation program for Arthur and Gail Bienz
  • B. ITC a Fortis company long range transmission.
  • C. Calhoun County letter on the 911 program

  • Fire Board: Terry/Linda: No new business to report, next meeting is December 19th.
  • Calhoun Road Dept.: Ben/Walt/ Terry B/ Nancy/Linda: No Report
  • Planning Commission: Next meeting December 15th 7:00 p.m. will be looking into solar.
  • Website: None
  • Five Year Township Recreation Plan: Linda Pavilion tentative to be delivery here October 20th.
  • Sewer: Sheryl/Kent: No news on supplies and equipment.
  • Zoning Official: No new complaints or violation to report at this time. 18 permits issued in September.

  • A. Signs for North Shore Drive for Deaf Children still, working on this.
  • B. Need for additional measurements for Clarence Center Cemetery sites. We will get together with Sexton Obrinske.

  • A. Duck Lake resolution # 3 Duck Lake Special Assessment District motion by B. Dancer and supported by S. Ott to approve the Special Assessment District. Roll call vote taken: Ott yes, Proteau yes, Seifert yes, Dancer yes, Kubiak yes 5 ayes 0 nays motion approved.
  • B. Motion by T. Siefert and supported by S. Ott to approve Farmland and Open Space Preservation Program PA 116 for Arthur and Gail Bienz. Roll call vote taken: Proteau yes, Dancer yes, Ott yes, Siefert yes and Kubiak yes 5 ayes and 0 nays

  • Motion by B. Dancer supported by T. Siefert to pay bills for the end of September in the amount of $10,797.40 and September Payroll $10,166.31
  • Roll call vote taken: 5 ayes 0 nays Approved
  • Motion by B. Dancer and supported by T, Siefert to pay bills for the first part of October $14,090.12. Total $35,235.83
  • Roll call vote taken: 5 ayes 0 nays Approved.

ADJOURN: Motion by B. Dancer supported by T. Siefert to adjourn the meeting at 7:25 p.m. Approved Next regular meeting November 14,2022

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Minutes CLARENCE TOWNSHIP - Regular Meeting May 9, 2022

CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 7:00 P.M. by Supervisor Linda Kubiak.


ROLL CALL: Present Linda Kubiak, Terry Siefert, Ben Dancer, Sheryl Proteau, and Sue Ott.

Motion by B. Dancer and supported by T. Siefert to accept agenda as printed. Motion approved

MINUTES: The Minutes of April 11, 2022 were presented, motion B. Dancer and supported by S. Ott to accept minutes as printed. Motion approved

The Treasurer's report was received with $1,097,876.06 in Township Total Funds. Motion by T. Siefert and supported by B. Dancer to accept the Treasurer's report subject to audit. Roll call taken; Proteau yes, Siefert yes, B. Dancer yes, Kubiak yes, Ott yes 5 ayes 0 nays approved. Investments: New investment accounts no report at this time.

Gary Tompkins 7th District County Commissioner, talked about taking some primary roads back to gravel. County will have 2 proposal renewals for Veterans and Calhoun County medical facility, and a new 911 proposal on the August ballot.

CITIZENS COMMENTS: 18 Township residents attended. One citizen asked the board to think about increasing the township road milage to 1 mil, going from one half mil. Board will take it under advisement. One citizen asked about the land development on S Drive North. At this time talk is for 3 houses on S Drive North.

CORRESPONDANCE: A. Letter from Jackson County Planning Commission B. Email from Gray Tompkins on turning primary roads back to gravel. C. Email form Springport Township about warning siren at the school.


Fire Board: Terry/Linda: Fire ballot proposal, looking at November. Still talking about substation here.
Calhoun Road Dept.: Ben/Walt/ Terry B/ Nancy/Linda: Have signed a contract with county on some road repair.
Planning Commission: Next meeting June 14th 7:00 p.m.
Website: Ken Cool: No Report
Five Year Township Recreation Plan: Linda: Still looking at Weaver Barns for the Pavilion.
Sewer: Sheryl/Kent: We are working with L D Docsa to help bring down the bid for the sewer system.
Zoning Official: No Report

OLD BUSINESS: A.Blight ordinance: no action taken at this time B. Civil infraction: no action taken at this time C. ARPA Annual Report is in to the Federal Government.

NEW BUSINESS:A.. Supervisor Kubiak has reappointed Gloria Richards to the Planning Commission and Zoning Board of Appeals and Jessica Kirchmeier to the Zoning Board of Appeals, motion by S. Ott and supported by T. Siefert to approve the reappointment of Gloria Richards and Jessica Kirchmeier for three years. Motion approved
B. Clerk Proteau went over the new increase for grave openings. Motion by S. Proteau and supported by B. Dancer to approve the increase in grave openings. Roll vote taken: Dancer yes, Siefert yes, Ott yes, Proteau yes, Kubiak yes 5 ayes 0 nays motion approved
C. Clerk Proteau went over the Schedule of Zoning and Related Fees. Motion by S. Ott and supported by T. Siefert to approve increase on Schedule of Zoning and related fees. Roll call vote taken; Ott yes, Proteau yes, Dancer yes, Kubiak yes, Siefert yes, 5 ayes 0 nays motion approved.
D.Motion by Dancer and supported by Siefert to table the Springport Siren at the School until we have more information. Motion Approved

Citizens Comments: None

PAY BILLS: Motion by S. Ott supported by B. Dancer to pay bills for the end of April the amount of $28,595.71 and April Payroll $8,374.06 Roll call vote taken: 5 ayes 0 nays Approved Motion by S. Ott and supported by B. Dancer to pay bills for the first part of May $10,841.11 Roll call vote taken: 5 ayes 0 nays Approved.

Motion by Motion by B. Dancer supported by T. Siefert to adjourn the meeting at 8:20 p.m. Approved.
Next regular meeting June 13, 2022, Sheryl Proteau, Clarence Township Clerk

Springport/Clarence Fire Board

April 18, 2022

Call to Order: Chairman Gordon Webb called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. at Springport Village Hall

Pledge to Flag:

Roll Call: Members present: : Jeff Mitchell, Linda Kubiak, Gordon Webb, Carrie Mohler, and Terry Siefert. Also, present Fire Chief Gary Ott and Sec/Treasurer Sheryl Proteau

Citizens present : 5 Citizens and Fire personal

Addition/Deletions to Agenda: None

Minutes: Motion by L. Kubiak and supported by J. Mitchell to approve March 21, 2022 minutes as print, approved.

Treasurer: Checking Account at this time is $33,408.90 and Saving Account $56,026.65.

Correspondence: None

Old Business: a. Used Fire Apparatus: i. Still looking for a Truck

New Business: Talk about needing to meet monthly at this time. It was decided that the next meeting will be regular meeting in June.

Chief's Report: No report at this time.

Citizens Comments: None.

Next Regular Meeting: June 20, 2022 at Village Hall at 7:00 p.m.

Motion to adjourn: Motion by L. Kubiak and supported by J. Mitchell to adjourn at 7:26 p.m.

Respectfully submitted: Sheryl Proteau, Secretary