27052 R. Drive N, Albion Mi 49224
Telephone: 517 857 2288, Fax Line: 517 857 2488: Albion Number:
517 629 6977
Clarence Township Supervisor is Linda Kubiak.
Clarence Township will be holding it Budget Hearing
March 25, 2025, 7:00 p.m. For Budget 2025-2026
Sheryl Proteau
Township Clerk
Regular Township Meetings are held the second Monday of each month, at 7:00 PM at the Township Hall. Please Click on the News page for the minutes of the most recent Township Board Meetings.
Click on the link that follows for the flyer describing acceptable/not-accepable items. Here are some items to be aware of. The flyer states to "Never put recyclables in containers or bags". Also, No glass of any kind is accepted. Click here: Recycling Guidelines
1) Poverty Exemption Affidavit
2) Application for MCL 211.7u Poverty Exemption
3) Affirmation of Ownership and Occupancy to remain Exempt by Reason of Poverty
This website has links to the above three forms as well as a link to Clarence Township Poverty Exemption Application Policy and Guidelines.
The start of the Guidelines states as follows: "The Township Assessor and Board of Review will analyze all properly submitted applications for Poverty Exemptions, according to amended P.A.390 of 1994, section 211.7u of the Michigan Compiled Laws (MCL). Every taxpayer will be treated the same, and the items to be considered and the manner in which they will be analyzed are listed under the following guidelines"
Click on the following links for the Guidelines and forms: Instructions, Application, Affirmation, Affidavit
Senior Citizen Lunches! Please join us for lunch every Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. If you are 60 or over, the suggested pricing for meals is $3.00 Please call the Township Hall and let them know you will attend (We need one days notice.) People usually gather about 11:45 AM and meals are served at 12:00 Noon.
Click on the following link for complete information on calling MISS DIG MISSDIG 811 Information
The Clarence Township Board made extensive changes to the Rules and Regulations for our cemeteries. Please go to the Township Services page a complete description and prices.
Go to the Township Services page for Township Cemetery Rules and Regulations.
Dog licenses are no longer issued through Clarence Township. Dog licenses can be obtained from Veterinarians or at the Calhoun County Treasurer. See the Calhoun county Web Site for information about obtaining the license at Calhoun County.
The Clarence Township Board enacted an Open Burning Ordinance at their meeting July 13, 2015. Please go to the:Township Services; page to see a link to the Ordinance
The Calhoun County Sheriff's Department will check on your property while you are away on vacation, etc. Please click on the following link to see the form that you fill out and email or fax to the Sheriff's Department. Residental Property Check Form
Questions about Drain Assessments should be directed to the Calhoun County Water Resources Commissioner at 269-781-0790. Clarence Township has nothing to do with drains except to place them on the tax bills.
Library Services Refund- Are You Aware? Residents of Clarence Township can receive a $20 refund upon presentation of a receipt of payment to join an adjoining Library. Just take your receipt to the Clarence Township Office. Limit one per year.
It is the public policy of the State of Michigan that all persons (except those persons incarcerated in state or local correctional facilities) are entitled to full and complete information regarding the affairs of government and the official acts of those who represent them as public officials and public employees. Please click on this link Township Services for more information about the Freedom of Information Act and to to get an appliation form.
Residents of Clarence Township may rent the Township Hall based on availability. The cost is $200 of which $50 is refundable (damage deposit).